Night of the Krampus: Hell is for Children [Origins 2013, GenCon 2012] Call of Cthulhu, 3rd Edition A Horror Movie Scenario - Player Character Spotlight
Players assume the role of characters in the 1986 holiday based horror film, Night of the Krampus, produced by Roger Corman, who initially introduced Hollywood audiences to the Lovecraft mythos.
According to Alpine folklore, the Krampus was Santa's evil counterpart, a dark hairy horned demon, who bound bad little children in chains, beat them with a birch branch, put them in a wicker basket, and carried them off to Hell for even worse torments. Night of the Krampus is set in central Pennsylvania, near Amish country, in early December of 1986. Characters are troubled teenagers, some of whom will undoubtedly engage in recreational drugs and/or premarital sex, who run afoul of this dark legend. Eighties horror movie tropes are in full effect, including a killer theme song by Pat Benatar. Night of the Krampus: Hell! Hell is for Children!
Character Name: Bob Boulder Horror Movie Role: stoner and slacker, survival odds: “not good”
Idea: 70 % Luck: 65% Knowledge: 50% Damage bonus: none Social cutting damage bonus: +1d4 Sanity Roll: 58% (his therapy is not going well…)
Skills (340 and bonus) Conceal: 55% Pharmacy: 36% Sneak: 40% Fast Talk: 60% Occult: 20% Bargain: 30% Law: 25% Listen: 50% Comedy (wisecracks): 60% Hide: 40% Spot Hidden: 45% Art (air brushing): 45% High school social status: 55%, (generally well liked if not popular)
Mental Disorders Cannabis Dependence: Although marijuana is not physically addictive, it can be psychologically addictive. Bob has gained considerable tolerance over the years and he becomes quite irritable and physically impaired when in withdrawal. Bob has problems with focusing attention and suffers from a general lack of motivation and drive.
Role Playing Notes Bob Boulder is this movie’s stereotypical stoner and slacker character. Bob always appears to have a slightly dazed look on his face and he has problems taking situations seriously. Of course, being perpetually stoned and somewhat clueless can actually be a good thing when dealing with horrific events… Appearance wise, Bob is a midsized late adolescent male, quite skinny and gawky looking, with lank brown hair and a goatee which does not make him look any more mature. Bob tends to wear the same outfit all the time (red long sleeved shirts and blue jeans) because he does not pay much attention to his personal appearance and producer Roger Corman did not provide much money for wardrobe.
Bob has an improbable friendship with football player Alan Sleet; they have retaken several classes together and have a fondness for late night snacking. Bob will often refer to his hulking friend as “Captain” or “Cap” because of his position on the football team. Bob moves in some of the same social circles as spoiled rich boy, Jim Frontus, mainly because of the latter’s criminal activities; they don’t like each other much and make fun of each other often. Bob is marginally aware of smart kid, Russell Lindonby, mainly because Russell is always wrecking the curve in the many classes which Bob routinely skips.
Bob is very aware of slutty girl, Tina Jeeze, like almost every other boy in school. Bob and Tina have done their fair share of flirting but Bob lacks the drive to actually seal the deal. Bob is more comfortable around sweet final girl, Dawn Fargo. Bob really doesn’t understand why a nice girl like Dawn hangs around with a bunch of society’s rejects like the group but he is glad she does. Bob feels protective of Dawn in many situations, but he does not do much about it. Bob is more than a little intimidated by spoiled rich girl, Natalie Wiskier. Unlike the other members of the group who are just socially maladjusted and pathetic, that girl is straight up crazy…and mean!
Significant Resources A variety of small, disguisable bongs, a totally sweet van tricked out with a personally customized air brush design (tropical island with sexy hula girls, “End of the Rhodes” motif), a one ounce bag of local weed (nothing to write home about but beggars can’t be choosers and things are dry, man), a small bag of what is supposed to be some quality muscle relaxants (dealer got them from a vet he is are a bit skittish about these), several forged pre-signed excuse notes from mother for missing school, a “connection” (known only as Badger).